Tips On Working Remotely During The Coronavirus Outbreak

Tips On Working Remotely During The Coronavirus Outbreak

We know our community is facing a whole new set of challenges each and every day while we’re all doing our fair share to remain indoors and protect each other from the recent Coronavirus outbreak. While working remotely seems simple enough here are some recommendations that can help you better adjust to these changes while you settle into a new work routine. Share to help our community continue to #FlattenTheCurve and be sure to comment with your own tips!

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How To Keep Our Community Safe From The Coronavirus

How To Keep Our Community Safe From The Coronavirus

Here are some preventative methods and information via the World Health Organization that can help keep our community informed and safe while we all face new challenges during the current Coronavirus outbreak. 

Help Share these tips with our community so that we can all help #FlattenTheCurve! 

Source: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public
a> p>

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Preventative Coronavirus Guidelines For Our Law Enforcement Family

Preventative Coronavirus Guidelines For Our Law Enforcement Family

Our priority will always be protecting our communities and amidst the Coronavirus outbreak, we’re still out there ensuring that everyone is safe while our nation experiences new challenges every day.Here are some useful tips for our fellow officers to remember via the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that can help keep all of us protected as well.Be sure to share and together we can all help #FlattenTheCurve!Source: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/guidance-law-enfor...

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39th Annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service in Washington, D.C. Canceled Due to COVID-19

39th Annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service in Washington, D.C. Canceled Due to COVID-19

It is with great regret that, for the first time in the event's history, the 39th Annual National Peace officers' Memorial Service in Washington, D.C. has been canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Teams are consulting with the Concerns of Police Survivors (COPS) and other groups to develop a fitting tribute to honor the families of the fallen for the 2019 calendar year and will develop a plan to move forward after this crisis subsides to honor the sacrifices made by our fallen heroes in the wa...

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RCDSA Golf Tournament Postponed To September 18th!

RCDSA Golf Tournament Postponed To September 18th!

Due to the current state of COVID-19 in our nation, we'll be taking protective measures set forth by the CDC to ensure everyone's safety and postponing our Annual RCDSA Golf Tournament to September 18th. We look forward to another successful tournament come September and thank you all for understanding what must be done to protect everyone's health. For more information on COVID-19 please visit: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.htmla> p>

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Register Today for the RCDSA Charity Golf Tournament!

Register Today for the RCDSA Charity Golf Tournament!

You’re cordially invited to our Inaugural Riverside Sheriffs’ Association Golf Tournament at Temecula Creek Inn’s Champion Golf Course on Monday, March 23rd! 

All proceeds from this event will benefit the Riverside County Deputy Sheriff Relief Foundation which is a 501(C)(3) non-profit charity to assist law enforcement families facing life-changing crises such as sickness, injury, distress, and death. Your donations help with funeral expenses, memorial travel expenses, temporary lodging, and se...

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We asked and you generously delivered. Thank you.

We asked and you generously delivered. Thank you.

As an appreciation of your generosity and thoughtfulness, we want to take a moment to thank you! Your charitable donation to Westminster Police Officers' Association means that we can continue to positively impact our community and support its local causes. This is what paying it forward is all about. By giving back in 2019 you’ve now shown others that you care about the future of our neighborhood. Your generosity shows that you care about our local youth and police officers. That you strive to ...

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